Welcome to the Kids' Ministry here at Calvary! 

We are beyond excited to provide programming for kids of all ages at our 10:00 a.m. service! 

All are welcome! Message Brenda - brenda@calvarybaptist.ca for more information.


We are committed to providing a safe, caring and engaging environment in which children can experience God's love through relevant Bible teaching and age-appropriate activities.

All leaders and volunteers are screened, trained and supervised. They are dedicated to working with you to teach and encourage your children as they get to know Jesus more and more.


Nursery - (up to 2 years): A colourful, calm room with facilities and toys for the youngest children in our care. 

Preschool - (Ages 2-5): A mixture of play and fun teaching geared towards preschool aged kids.

Elementary (K- Grade 5) - Elementary aged kids stay with their parents in the sanctuary for the first part of the service to worship with the rest of the congregation. Afterward they head upstairs to experience large group teaching and small group shepherding tailored just for them.